Jack Russel Terrier Price in India

Jack Russell Terrier Price in India 2023- A Guide to Owning them!

Topic- Jack Russell Terrier Price in India

Little, energetic, and active canines known as Jack Russell Terriers have recently gained popularity in India.

They are excellent family and individual friends because of their loyalty, intelligence, and lively personalities.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to understand the traits, temperament, and, of course, the Jack Russell Terrier price in India if you’re thinking about taking a Jack Russell Terrier home.

You’ll find all the information you need in this guide to help you decide.

Jack Russell Terrier Price in India

The Jack Russell terrier Price in India can vary depending on several factors, including the age, pedigree, and health of the dog. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 60,000 for a Jack Russell terrier in India

Place Price(Rs)
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Mumbai 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Delhi 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Kerala 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Chennai 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Bangalore 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Pune 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Kolkata 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Tamil Nadu 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.
Jack Russell Terrier Price in Hyderabad 20,000 - 60,000 Rs.

About Jack Russell Terrier

History and origin-

A man named Reverend John Russell created the little breed of dog known as the Jack Russell Terrier in 19th-century England. 

Russell started breeding his own line of terriers because he wanted a dog that could chase foxes quickly, bravely, and effectively. After his passing, his dogs were known as “Jack Russell Terriers,” and the Kennel Club formally recognised the breed in 2016. 

The great energy, intellect, and devotion to their owners make Jack Russell Terriers attractive pets in today’s society. They are frequently employed in canine athletic events, including agility contests.


Jack Russell Terriers have a short, silky coat that can be white, black, brown, or tan, among other colours. 

They are strong, muscular creatures with rectangular-shaped skulls and almond-shaped, expressive eyes. 

Their triangular, folded-forward ears give them the appearance of being attentive and curious. The Jack Russell Terrier is an endearing and charismatic breed that is easily identifiable due to its distinctive physical traits.


This small dog is very courageous, playful and simply a ball of energy that never gets tired. These dogs love to grab the attention of their owner and always want some task to do. 

They are loyal and affectionate with their families but can be wary of strangers and other animals, making early socialization an important aspect of their training. 

Overall, Jack Russell Terriers are a lively and enthusiastic breed with charming and charismatic personalities.

Lifespan and Size-

The average life span of a Jack Russell Terrier can range between 13 to 16 years. An adult Jack Russell Terrier can grow between  13 to 14 inches in height and can weigh between 6 to 8 kg. 


Jack Russell Terriers are also highly trainable and enjoy learning new skills and tricks. However, their intelligence can sometimes lead to stubbornness and a strong will, which may require firm and consistent training.


Jack Russell Terriers are a lively breed. As a result, they need a diet rich in protein and fat to keep their energy levels stable. 

Also, because Jack Russells are prone to gaining weight, it’s critical to provide them with a balanced diet that doesn’t have too many calories.

 An option for a Jack Russell Terrier’s high-quality, balanced diet is commercial food created especially for small, energetic breeds. 

Every dog has different dietary requirements, therefore you should always speak with your vet before changing their diet.


Jack Russell Terriers are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, they can be prone to certain health issues. Some common health issues in Jack Russell Terriers include:

1. Patellar luxation- The kneecap falls out of position in this disease, which makes the dog limp or favours one leg more than the other.

2. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease- With this disorder, the blood supply to the femur (thigh bone) is cut off, resulting in bone death and hip joint degeneration.

3. Deafness- Congenital deafness, or being deaf from birth, is a possibility in Jack Russell Terriers.

4. Eye problems- Skin allergies in Jack Russell Terriers can lead to itching, redness, and irritation.

5. Skin allergies- Jack Russell Terriers can be prone to skin allergies, which can cause itching, redness, and irritation.

6. Dental problems- Periodontal disease, which can result in tooth loss, infection, and pain, is one dental issue that Jack Russell Terriers are prone to.

7. Obesity- If they don’t move enough and consume too much, Jack Russell Terriers may be prone to obesity. Due to their high activity levels, they require a lot of exercise to stay in shape and burn off their excess energy.

Things To Know Before Getting a Jack Russell Terrier

1. Jack Russells are loud dogs-

 All owners know how loud Jack Russell can be. As mentioned, this breed was originally used to hunt foxes, and they use their vocals to keep foxes at bay. 

This characteristic may be beneficial for hunters, but it can be a problem for a household, especially those who live in a house with noise restrictions.

Expect these dogs to bark at any moving objects they see a stranger, a bird, a squirrel, falling leaves, anything. 

Their trait to bark can be curbed through training and early socialization. But keep in mind that loud dogs can also be beneficial for you, especially if an intruder breaks into your house.

2. Jack Russells are strong competitors in canine sports-

Jack Russells are energetic and fast dogs who excel in various canine competitions.

In fact, they can even reach speeds of up to 25 mph or 40 kph. If that isn’t amazing enough, this dogs can also jump as high as 5ft.

 For this reason, Jack Russells need plenty of exercise per day. This can be done by playing fetch frisbee, or you can also engage them in training for canine sports, such as agility and flyball courses.

3. Jack Russells need plenty of exercises.

Although they should live indoors with their family, this breed still needs to go out and release their energies every day.

 They’ll need about 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous exercise. In addition, they will also need an off-leash run in a securely fenced yard. Aside from exercise, they will also need to be trained and beware. This breed is not for beginners.

They need someone who is consistent and firm with the training. These dogs tend to be stubborn, so it is important to only use positive reinforcement techniques when training them. 

These include food rewards, praises and plays. Of course, lots of interaction outside their home is important for them to grow into well-rounded dogs and know how to behave well in different situations.

4. Mental stimulation is vital for Jack Russell-

Mental exercise is needed by all dogs, especially those who are more active than the others, such as Jack Russell. 

Mental stimulation keeps them from getting bored, and it also helps prevent the development of destructive behaviours, such as digging, chewing and barking. 

Keep your Jack Russell mentally stimulated by playing with them and training them. Not only are they exercised, but these are also some of the good ways to strengthen the bond with your dog.

5. Jack Russells have a high prey drive breed-

To be hunters. It is expected that this breed has the instinct to chase and challenge even those animals that are much bigger than them. 

For this reason, it is important that they are socialized and trained early. Otherwise, it can be a big problem if they pursue someone aggressively. 

In addition, make sure they are kept on a leash whenever you take them out, or else they won’t listen to you and may chase moving objects.

6. Jack Russells are not suited for families with small children-

Although it will still depend on how the dog is raised. Most often Jack Russelsl do not do well with small children. 

This is because these dogs tend to be independent and children who do not know what personal space is may be a nuisance for Jack Russell. 

Instead, this breed will do well in homes with older children who know how to handle dogs. Moreover, they can keep up with Jack Russell’s energy, making them good playmates.

7. Jack Russells are escape artists.-

 Since they are excellent jumpers and runners, it is easy for these dogs to escape. If they get bored, they may chase down birds, squirrels, cats, rabbits and more.

 This is especially true when they have excess energy and don’t have an outlet to release it. The reason makes them not suitable for first-time and novice owners.

To make them stop from escaping, you should provide your Jack Russell with various engaging and stimulating activities.

 Give them toys, keep them tired and a yard will also greatly help to burn off their energies. Just make sure it is securely fenced though, as Jack Russells are good diggers and as mentioned, they are great jumpers

8. Jack Russells are wonderful watchdogs-

 since they still have their hunting instincts. Jack Russells are extremely vigilant and alert dogs.

 After taking their daily exercise needs, this bridge can sit by the window for the rest of the day to alert you if someone is approaching your property.

 Not only do they make great watchdogs, but Jack Russell also make a good job of being small guard dogs. 

Usually, they will bark like mad until the stranger or the animal is out of their sight. Therefore, these dogs make your home a much safer place.

9. Jack Russells are easy to groom-

Jack Russells come in three coat types smooth, broken and rough. The rough one has more excess hair on the head, legs and body. All coat types are coarse and texture, but they should never be wavy or curly.

Weekly brushing would be enough to remove loose hair and keep their coats in their best condition. bathing should only be done when necessary.

 If you’ve got a Jack Russell with a broken or rough coat, keep in mind that they must be stripped about once or twice a year. As with other grooming needs, Jack Russell’s teeth should be brushed as frequently as you can to prevent bacteria and tartar buildup. Their nails should be trimmed once it gets too long.

If you’re unsure how to do it, it’s best to seek a professional groomer’s help to avoid hurting your dog. 

Pros and Cons of owning a Jack Russel Terrier


  1. As they are small in size and have short hair grooming them is a lot easier.
  2. Very playful and energetic which makes a great pet for a person who loves being active.
  3. They can form a great relationship with the owner and will remain very loyal to their owner.
  4. Has a long life span.
  5. Can be a great playing or entertainment partner for older kids.


  1. Requires a ton of exercise.
  2. Difficult to keep them entertained as they can get bored easily.
  3. Due to their prey drive it is not safe to leave them alone with small pets.
  4. They may dig your garden or yard.


1. Is it OK to have 2 Jack Russells?

If you are considering getting two Jack Russell terriers, make sure to never buy jack Russell with the same gender as they can show aggression towards each. And it is important to take into account the personality of each dog and whether they would be compatible living together. 

It is also important to ensure that you have the time and energy to care for two dogs, as they will both need plenty of attention, exercise, and training.

2. Can a Jack Russell be a house dog?

A lot of people assume that Jack Russells are high-energy dogs that need a lot of space to run around. While they do need plenty of exercises, Jack Russells can actually make great house dogs. Of course, every dog is different, and some may do better in a home with a yard where they can run off some energy. But as long as you provide them with enough exercise they can be great house dogs.

3. Is Jack Russell a good family dog?

It can be challenging to live with them. However, with proper training, exercise, mental stimulation, and lots of love and affection, these dogs can be extremely loving and loyal to their family. Just make sure to devote some time only to him and he is sure to give it back. Overall, Jack Russell’s will be a perfect companion for an active family and experienced owners who know how to lead as well as give their basic needs.

4. Is Jack Russell a jealous dog?

Jack Russells are known for being highly attached / possessive of their belongings and sometimes even their people However, this does not mean that they are necessarily jealous dogs. In most cases, this behaviour is simply a result of their loyalty and desire to protect their family. It can be seen as a positive trait, as it shows how much your Jack Russell loves and cares for you. However, it can also be a negative trait if not properly managed.

5. Are Jack Russells easy to train?

They are quite smart so there is no doubt they can learn things quickly. However, they are sometimes stubborn which can make the training process a little difficult. The main thing is to be a confident pet parent and should love the active lifestyle as these dogs are very energetic.

Final Thoughts

For those who are ready for their high energy levels and lively personalities, owning a Jack Russell Terrier may be a rewarding experience.

Before taking one home, it’s crucial to conduct research, which should include learning about the Jack Russell Terrier price in India and the different aspects that may influence it.

Don’t forget to pick a reputable breeder and give your Jack Russell Terrier lots of mental and physical activity.

Your Jack Russell Terrier can grow up to be a cherished member of your family for many years if given the right care.

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