If you are the owner of these little fur friends then you should understand that these hamsters are wild animals and they required some activity to keep them healthy so we can do that by simply buying Activity toys for hamsters.
You might be wondering, “Is it really necessary to buy hamster toys?”, “Which hamster toy is the best”, etc. I have tried to explain these questions in a well-detailed manner in this article Best hamster Activity Toys India 2021 and have also answered many similar related questions in our FAQ section.
Advantages of having Hamster Activity Toys
1. Exercise-
If your pet lived in its natural environment, it would be rushing around looking for food. However, when kept as a pet, hamsters rarely receive adequate exercise. It can boost its health by engaging in frequent activity with appropriate toys.
2. Activity –
Hamsters are nocturnal animals, which means they are very active at night. As a result, when you are not available to play, these toys will actually be helpful for your hammy.
Types of Hamster Activity Toys India 2021
1. Wheels-
A hamster wheel is one of the most common toys to buy for hamsters. Wheels can be vertical or horizontal and can be designed like flying saucers. When buying the hamster wheel make sure to know the size of your hammy. For a large hamster, the size of the wheel should be around 7-8 inches and for the small hamster, it should be around 5 to 6 inches.
2. Tunnel toys-
The Tunnel is an excellent toy for hamsters, mice, and other small animals. Your little fur friend will enjoy hours of pleasure investigating all the ways into and out of the tube thanks to various holes carved into the central tunnel. Stuff these tunnels with goodies and grass for added stimulation and watch your animal buddy figure out how to get everything out.
3. Maze toys-
This toy is like a puzzle that has many routes and your pet has to find the route to outside. This toy helps to stimulate your hamster mentally by challenging them.
4. Hamster ball-
A hamster ball is a type of workout ball that allows your pet to roll about on the floor. It’s a typical hamster toy, but it’s not necessarily the greatest choice according to pet organizations.
5. Homemade toys-
Hamster toys manufactured at home can range from handmade chews to homes and ladders. Cartons, toilet paper tubes, wooden popsicle sticks, and non-toxic glue are among the greatest construction materials.
Best Hamster Activity Toys India 2021-Buying Guide
1. Comfort-
Make certain that the toys do not have any sharp corners or large gaps. To pick a toy that is appropriate for your hamster’s level of comfort, check their age and size.
2. Materials-
Make sure the toy you choose must be made of materials that are nontoxic and 100%safe for your pet.
3. Durability-
Ensure the toys are durable for long-lasting performance. Because hamsters have keen teeth, fragile toys may be quickly ruined
Hamsters require a steady amount of things and toys to chew on in order to maintain their constantly developing teeth in excellent shape. Wooden pet chew toys are an excellent alternative. wheels, rings, and tunnels are ideal for hamsters.
2. What kinds of toys do Hamsters enjoy?
Hamsters like playing with a variety of toys! Activity wheels, cardboard tubes, and wood chews are examples of such items. There are also some commercially produced tubes that are more durable than their cardboard equivalents, and hamster balls are also a good alternative.
3. When is the best time to play with your hamster?
Hamsters are nocturnal, so they are active after sunset. so, the best time to play with your little friend is during the night. If they are awake during the daytime you can play at that time too.
Final Thoughts
By now You must have understood that toy is a must-have product for your hamster. I have everything about how to buy the right toy for your hammy and have also listed the best Best hamster Activity Toys India 2021. Our top selection is Qpets Hamster Wheeland KSK Wooden Ladder Bridge. If you have any questions comment down below we will try to answer them as soon as possible.