Alaskan Malamute Price in India

Alaskan Malamute Price in India 2023- Complete Guide

Topic – Alaskan Malamute Price in India

Today in Top Pet Products we are going to about the Alaskan Malamute dog breed which looks like a giant version of the Siberian husky. Alaskan malamutes are very popular worldwide and have started to gain some attention in India as well. If you are thinking about getting this breed then you are in the right place. In this article, we are going to inform you about Alaskan malamute price in India, How to take care of them, whether can they live in the hot climates of India and much more. So read it till the end to Know more about these majestic Malamutes

Alaskan Malamute Price in India

On average, a purebred Alaskan Malamute price in India can start from 50,000 And can go as high as 2,00,000 rupees. Alaskan Malamute puppy prices in India can vary depending on a number of factors, which include the breeder, location, type of the breed(mix or pure), breed’s bloodline, gender, etc.

It’s important to note that the cost of owning an Alaskan Malamute goes beyond the initial purchase price, and also includes expenses such as food, veterinary care, and grooming. Potential owners should also consider the time and energy required to properly care for and train such a large and active breed.

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About Alaskan Malamute Dog Breed


The Alaskan Malamute takes its name from the Mahlemut, a nomadic Inuit tribe that lived in northwestern Alaska and originally bred these dogs. In such a cold, hostile environment, the tribe and their dogs depended on each other for survival, leading to an incredibly close bond. The Malamute was regarded incredibly highly and Thought of as family within the tribe. They would share in the tribe’s food resources even when supplies were running low. The Malamute had a great deal of Utility and were truly essential to the survival of their people.

They were originally bred to be long-distance sledge dogs and unlike the husky, which was developed for transporting small loads at speed, the Malamute was relied on for strength and endurance. They were capable of pulling incredibly heavy loads over vast distances in harsh and freezing conditions, allowing the tribe to continuously travel throughout the region with all of their supplies.

In addition to their freighting abilities, they. Were also used for hunting big game such as seals and reindeer, as well as fending off polar bears and guarding the tribe against danger. It’s even believed that due to their thick coats and high body temperature, people would tuck their babies in between the dogs to keep them warm in the coldest conditions. When gold was discovered in Alaska in 1896, the Klondike gold rush began. The region was suddenly overwhelmed with prospecting migrants hunting for gold and hoping to make their fortune. There was therefore a massive demand for Malamutes to haul cargo on these expeditions and many were brought and subsequently crossbred with other dogs. This almost led to the disappearance of the Alaskan Malamute entirely. However, most of these crossbreeds were simply not as well adapted to live in such an extreme environment as a result they eventually died out and only the purebred Malamutes remained.

In the 1930s, Arthur T. Walden established A kennel in New Hampshire to breed Alaskan Malamutes and to rebuild the population. The kennel supplied many dogs for Antarctic expeditions and also began a program designed to reproduce the original Malamutes found in Alaska as closely as possible. These dogs that originated from Walden’s kennel became known as the Kotzebue strain of Alaskan Malamutes. Another strain was developed by a man named Paul Volcker Senior, who bred dogs he purchased in Alaska to produce the Malamute strain. The Alaskan Malamute was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1935 and is believed to be one of the oldest dog breeds whose original looks and characteristics remain almost unchanged.


Alaskan malamute is a large size spitz-type dog breed. They have big muscular bodies with strong heavy bone structure and they have a face that looks very similar to wolves with almond-shaped eyes and small erect ears. They have a fluffy tail that curls over their back.  Eyes can be found in various colours of brown shades and black. And Alaskan malamutes are also available in various different colours like chocolate and white, seal and white, grey and white, black and white or red and white(rare), etc.

Size and coat-

Alaskan Malamute has a double coat i.e outer coat and inner coat. the outer coat is long and straight while the undercoat is short, dense and oily which keeps their body warm during colder times as their oily and dense undercoat is water resistant. An adult Alaskan Malamute can weigh between 32 to 43 kg or 70 to 95 lbs and can grow between 56 to 66 cm or 1.8 to 2.2 feet in height.


This giant dog is a very loving, active, loyal, and free-spirited dog breed. They simply love to be with their owners and family members. They can even be friendly towards strangers but they can show some aggression towards unfamiliar dogs. as they can be friendly towards strangers they might not be a good guards although they might be protective if they feel that their owner is in threat or danger.

Intelligent and Trainability-

There is no doubt they are super intelligent but they are also quite independent in nature which makes them difficult o train. You have to be persistent and consistent in training in order to properly train them.

Compatibility with other pets-

Alaskan Malamute can be aggressive towards same-gender dogs or sometimes even opposite-gender dogs however they are some exceptions so if you are not a very experienced dog owner it is better not to keep the Alaskan malamutes with same-gender dogs. It is also recommended to keep them with especially if they are not raised together. They also have high prey drives which can lead to the chase down of small pets hamsters, rabbits, birds etc. So it is better. 

Health issues and life expectancy-

The life expectancy of an Alaskan Malamute can vary due to some factors that we have no control over. Genetically they do can have some issues like hip dysplasia, and juvenile cataracts which don’t seem to shorten their  life because they can do surgery on the eye and remove the cataract, 

but they can also suffer severe issues like polyneuropathy, which is a neurological disease, and they can have some other cardiac issues that could potentially shorten their life, but normally, a healthy dog that’s been genetically screened can live for, males can make it 13-14, females can make it to 15, there are exceptions but that’s a generalization.

Care Tips To Take Care of Alaskan Malumate in India

1. Exercise-

Alaskan malamutes are abundant in energy and endurance so they do need exercise for 1 to 2 hours daily. You can go for long walks and can play fetch, or if you have a secured garden or yard let them wander around freely. If you do not provide them with enough exercise they may develop destructive behaviour also can include a small training session to stimulate their brain as well. 

Read this article- Best Toys for active dogs in India to buy the ideal toys for your active malamute

2. Grooming-

Alaskan malamutes have a lot of furs, when you get this breed to make sure you have a vacuum cleaner. Malamutes shed throughout the year and they need brushing with a good pet brush at least 1 or 2 times a week they do sheds heavily two times a year at that time you should brush them daily or at least every alternate day to minimize shedding. Brushing them is important as it helps to keep the coat and distribute the dog’s skin oil.

3. Feeding-

Make sure to feed your Alaskan malamute high-quality dog food and before any dog food make sure to check its ingredients to ensure that it is grain-free and meat is its primary ingredient. These giant dogs do not eat much so approx 5 to 6 bowls of dry food which you can divide into two meals one in the morning and the other in the evening. However, the quantity your dog eats may differ depending on its activity level, size and overall lifestyle. For an adult malamute eating twice a day is generally sufficient. 

4. Training and socialization-

Training and Socialization are a must for these giant furballs. You must have the dog trained, you must take it to socialization classes, you must spend time with the dog, walking it, introducing it to other dogs, making sure it behaves well, working in obedience with other trainers, other people, the dog needs to be a part of your life and needs to be able to ride in a car, needs to ride in a crate, and feel comfortable, needs to be able to go to the vet, and if you tell your dog to stand, which means just stand there and don’t go anywhere the dog will do that so your vet can examine the dog. In short, familiarise your dog basically with everything so they are quite comfortable in every situation.

5. Around children-

Malamutes, when raised with children, adore them. They are very patient, especially with the kids they are raised. However, small children can be at risk of being knocked down by an over-excited malamute. So, make sure to supervise your kids when they are around or playing with malamute. In addition, malamutes are commonly food aggressive, so children should be taught not to interfere with the Alaskan malamute while it is eating.

6. Climatic conditions-

Alaska Malamutes are cold-weather dogs by design and will do best with the temperatures are generally cold. The breed can live in warmer climates, provided there are shaded areas outdoors and on extremely hot days, the breed should have access to air conditioning. And also provide access to plenty of fresh water all the time. Take them to exercise only in the morning and in the evening when the temperature is cold.

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Pros and Cons of owning a Alaskan Malamute


  1. They have an excellent work ethic.
  2. They are extremely intelligent and strong.
  3. They are very friendly towards family members, kids and strangers as well.
  4. Excellent pets for people who love to have an active lifestyle.
  5. They are not very prone to develop bad body odour.


  1. Are great escape artists and are prone to run away.
  2. Can be aggressive towards other dogs of gender.
  3. May not be ideal to keep them with small pets as they can chase or attack them. However, there are some exceptions.
  4. Malamutes have high exercise demand.
  5. Can be food aggressive.


1. What is the Alaskan malamute cost in India?

The cost of an Alaskan malamute can range between 50K to 200k Indian rupees and can be even more. 

2. Can Alaskan Malamute Survive in India?

Yes, they can survive in India it is better if to live towards the north side of India as the temperature is low. Most people believe that you can not keep them in India where the temperature is hot it is very cruel but it is simply not true they just some extra care in order to live comfortably in a hot place like providing them with a shed, plenty of water, and take them outside only in the morning and in the evening and not in the afternoon when the temperature is hot, also include buttermilk and curd in their diet in order to keep their temperature down, if you have a yard or garden you can also buy an inflatable pool for you malamute, etc. if you live in a very hot place it is recommended to have an AC at home.

3. Which is better husky or Malamute?

There are many similarities between the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute, two huge working breeds. There is no specific answer to this question it simply depends on the person.  the ideal breed for you will depend on your lifestyle and personal tastes, as each breed has distinctive qualities all its own. Before choosing, it is advised to do extensive study on both breeds and to meet them in person.

4. Is a Malamute a wolf?

An Alaskan Malamute is not a wolf, to be clear. The Mahlemut Inuit of Alaska developed this domestic dog breed to serve as a sledge dog. Although closely related to the Arctic wolf, the Alaskan Malamute is not a wolf.

5. Do Malamutes bite?

Malamutes are generally not aggressive and are extremely friendly even with strangers but as I say any dog can bite so do malamutes a poorly bred or not properly trained or socialized dog can turn out to be aggressive and can bite. The bite rate of Alaskan malamutes is not that high but they are a few cases of Alaskan malamute biting.

6. What is the bite force of an Alaskan malamute?

The bite force of an Alaskan malamute can range between 200- 400 PSI. 

7. Is Alaskan Malamute right for me?

Again it depends from person to person, An Alaskan Malamute can be a suitable option for you if you’re a physically fit person who can provide regular exercise and training, have expertise with big breeds, or are ready to put in the effort to learn about their particular requirements. The ideal option for you might not be an Alaskan Malamute, though, if you reside in a small apartment or lack the time or energy to dedicate to a big, energetic dog.

Final Thoughts

We have come to the end of this article Alaskan malamute price in India,  In conclusion, Malamute is pack orientated animal, and establishing the firm, consistent leadership is vital to developing a trusting bond and avoiding behavioural problems. These incredible dogs have proved to be diligent and loyal allies to mankind throughout history in all sorts of different roles. Before considering Alaskan Malamutes as pets do your own research also be honest and ask yourself whether you can take care of them. If Yes, go for it and enjoy their excellent companionship. Hope you found this article. 

Thank you for reading! 

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