Ringneck parrot price in india

Ringneck Parrot Price in India (August 2023)

Ringneck parrots are a very popular parrot breed which is owned as pets for centuries. They are very beautiful attractive parrot species. Due to their ability to talk they have gained huge popularity in India. In this article, we have given detailed information about the various factors affecting Ringneck Parrot Price in India, its caring tips, grooming tips, Diet guidelines and complete information about this bird species. So, read it completely to know more.

Ringneck Parrot Price in India

The average Indian Ringneck parrot Price in India can range between 1500 Rs- 3,000 Rs in pair. Price may differ depending on the colour mutation, gender, location, etc. some of its colour mutations can cost you up to 45,000 Rs in pairs.

Colour mutation of Indian Ring Neck Parrot Along With its Price in India 2023

1. Green Ringneck Parrot –

ringneck parrot price in India

  The Average Green Ringneck Parrot Price in India is 1500 – 3000 Rs Pair

2. Yellow ringneck Parrot-

The Average Yellow Ringneck Parrot price in India is 20 -25k Rs Pair

 3. Blue Ringneck Parrot 

ringneck parrot price in India

The Average Blue Ringneck Parrot price in India is 25-35K Rs Pair

4. White Ringneck Parrot –

ringneck parrot price in India

The Average White ringneck Parrot price in India is 38-40 K Rs Pair

5. Purple Ringneck Parrot Price in India-

ringneck parrot price in India

The Average Purple Ringneck Parrot Price in India is 35k- 45K Rs Pair.

About Indian Ringneck Parrot Breed

History and origin-

Indian Ringneck Parakeets or parrots are medium-sized parrots from south Sudan, Africa.  They’re also from Southeast Asia and parts of the middle east as well. They are original species from Srilanka earlier it was called Ceylon. They are very popular among humans since ancient periods due to their ability to talk like humans. Later on, in the 1920s many breeders started breeding this breed which resulted in various emergence of mutations and many varieties of this breed were born.


Indian Ringneck parrots are medium-sized birds. They are generally found in beautiful bright green colour. Their beaks are bright red with slight black at their tip. They have a long tail which is green in colour with also some blue colour feathers. They have some yellow colour below their wings. They have a beautiful round ring around their neck which is black. Usually, males have this ring and females do not have this.


Ringneck parrots can be social and playful. But they can nib or chew you if they feel frightened. They are really smart and can get bored quite easily so you need to keep them entertained by interacting with them. They also make noises and sounds to express themselves.


Indian Ringneck parrots are generally found in green colour. However, they can be also found in blue, yellow, purple or white but they are extremely rare.

Size & Lifespan-  

The average size of a Ringneck parrot is  14 – 17 inches. And can weigh around 95–143gm. And they have a very long span that can range between 25- 30 Years.


Make sure to bathe them once or twice a week to keep them clean. It is also important to trim their overgrown nails as it can hurt you or can hurt themself if their nails get accidentally stuck. Their beak is like nails and hair and they keep on growing so it is also important to trim their beak. You might find it difficult to do all this by yourself. However, you can if you want, but I suggest you take your bird to a professional for grooming.  

Health issues-

There are some health issues from which this ring neck parrot might suffer at some phase of its life.


It is an infectious disease commonly known as parrot fever. Its symptoms include fatigue, anorexia, and weight loss. If it is not treated it can be severe and can be dangerous for your parrot.


It is a fatal disease which causes infection in their organs. Generally, newly born parrots are more prone to this disease. Its symptoms include swelling in the abdomen, appetite loss, bleeding, etc.


It is a respiratory disease which is caused by a fungus called Aspergillus. It can lead to a shortage of breath and hence can be harmful to parrots.

If you find any symptoms in your parrots or if you feel that your parrot is not behaving correctly then do not waste your time, immediately consult your vet.

Even if your bird is healthy it is better to go for a general health check-up every 6 months so that you can ensure that your parrot is healthy.

Caring Tips For Ringneck in India

1. Cage size-

It is very important to know the size of the cage as you don’t want too small of a cage for them. The minimum cage size should be around 24 by 24 inches and 31 inches in Height. You can always give them a bigger space.  

2. Diet-

It is important to give them a staple diet to ensure proper growth you can give seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies.  Every parrot is going to have their personality and taste, just like a human. So you’re going to have to try to figure out what your bird likes. And of course, supplementation is important as well.

Calcium is something you’re going to make sure that they have. It’s really important for their health. It could be as simple as a cuttlefish bone, ground-up oyster shell, or something like that. We will go in-depth about its diet plan below.

3. Interaction-

If you’re thinking about getting a parrot, you’re going to want to interact with it. This isn’t some sort of putting it on a shelf and never touching it type of animal, especially if you want it to ever be able to handle it. They need a tremendous amount of attention and a tremendous amount of training to keep them tame.

4. Keep them occupied-

Indian ringnecks can get bored very easily. Like most other parrots they do need lots of toys too. So, you want to make sure they’ve got lots of toys in their enclosure and they simply love to break the toys so you need to get the new toys after a month or a few weeks.

5. Room Temperature-

Temperature is not at all issue for them. But just to keep them happy and keep them comfortable, whatever your room temperature is that makes you feel comfortable, that’s going to make them feel comfortable too.

Diet for Ringneck parrots in India

What to feed your ringneck parrot can be overwhelming, especially for a new bird owner. But this does not need to be the case at all.

Here is a breakdown of safe foods you can provide for your ringneck parrot and foods that are also toxic and unhealthy.

Food Pellets-

If you are incorporating pellets into your parrot’s diet, try going with a reputable brand that carries no artificial preservatives or dyes. As far as the number of pellets that should be given daily, it all depends on what the brand recommends for a ringneck parrot.


Indian ringneck parrots eat seeds in the wild and for this reason, they should not be removed from their diet altogether. But, should be fed in moderation as an occasional treat only.

Vegetables –

vegetables are another way of providing nutrients for your ring neck Parrot and should be included in their diet daily. Always make sure to thoroughly wash vegetables before serving them to your bird. Here are some safe vegetables that your ring neck parrot can eat fresh daily or incorporate as a chop. Vegetables like artichokes, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy which is great, especially for birds with calcium deficiency. Broccoli, cucumbers, and carrots which is great because they are high in vitamin A.

Corn can be given to your bird, but only in moderation because of high sugar, either raw or cooked. Celery again in moderation. Cauliflower cabbage, white or red collard greens, dandelion greens, and green beans. You can also give iceberg lettuce on occasion. It doesn’t have any nutritional value, so I don’t, but I know some parrots enjoy it.

Also, kale is high in calcium, so it’s great for birds with calcium deficiency. Potatoes again in moderation. And cooked peas. You can also give pumpkin. Raw or lightly steamed, you can give peppers.

You have the choices between hot peppers, chilli peppers, bell peppers that come in red, orange, yellow and green, radishes red or white, and spinach in moderation. Sweet potato, lightly steamed, baked or boiled squash, yams( cooked only). You can give them all types of vegetables raw or lightly steamed. 


Fruit should also be included in your Ring neck parrot’s diet. Also, make sure to thoroughly wash any fruits before serving them to your bird. Some safe fruits that can be included in their diet are things like apples in moderation. Always remember to remove seeds from the apple, as they contain cyanide. Apricot remove pit berries.

You can also give BlackBerry, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries,  bananas (Make sure to remove the peel), cherries, Dragon fruit seeds are safe, fresh dates, dried figs fresh and dried grapes as well can be given in moderation because of high sugar.

Grapefruit again in moderation, kiwi just remove the outer part of the skin. Mangoes are again can be fed but in moderation because of their high sugar content. Oranges but again feed in moderation because of acidity, Pineapple in moderation, Passion fruit (makes sure to remove skin), and pomegranate.

Plums (yellow or purple remove the pit), Pear remove seeds because of cyanide, Papaya the seeds are safe.

Melons you have cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, and yellow watermelon or musk melon are also safe.


Some safe grains that can be included in your Ring neck Parrot’s diet are cooked whole grain rice and brown rice oat groats, oats, unsalted pasta(boiled), quinoa, wheat, whole wheat bread,  and whole wheat cereals (unsweetened). 

Sprouts –

Sprouting is another way to add nutrition to your Parrot’s diet. You can sprout foods such as grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and small vegetable seeds just to name a few.


 Nuts should also be included in your Ringneck parrots diet in moderation or as treats for training and tricks. Some safe nuts are almonds, cashews (without shell), hazelnuts, pecan nuts, pine nuts with or without shell, and pistachios just to name a few. If feeding peanuts, only feed human-grade peanuts without shells. 

Toxic foods-

 Some foods such as chocolates, avocados, onions, garlic, fruit pits and some fruit seeds such as the seeds from apples should not be given to your parrot, as they can be very toxic.

Unhealthy Foods-

Some foods like salty fatty foods, fried foods, processed human foods, sugar, sweets, and dairy products such as butter, cheese, milk, etc.  Alcohol, and caffeine drinks should not be part of your Parrot’s diet.

Water –

Be sure to provide your parrot with fresh drinking water daily. You may even need to change the water a couple of times a day.

When feeding your Ringneck Parrot, I always recommend feeding healthier foods first thing in the morning, such as vegetables, palates and leave. Nuts, seeds fruits as a reward for treats. Most parents will choose the fruits, nuts and seeds over the vegetables and pellets, so best to leave those separate and fed at a later time of day. With owning a Ring neck parrot as a pet, it is your responsibility to provide them with a well-balanced diet to keep your bird living long and healthy. 

Pros and Cons of owning Ringneck Parrot in India

Pros ✔️-

  1. Pretty good Talker.
  2. They are usually not Picky Eaters.
  3. Makes cute noises
  4. Playful, extremely social and friendly.
  5. They are extremely intelligent and learn things quickly.


  1. They are loud and can scream which might be not good if you live in an apartment
  2. They tend to bite.
  3. They can be very jealous of other pets or family members.
  4. They are messy like all the other parrots. 

Is it legal to own a Ring neck parrot?

No, it is not legal to own an Indian Ring neck parrot or any other birds that are native to India according to the Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972. And if someone is caught with it the punishment is up to 3 years of jail and can be fined up to 25,000 Rs. Even though It is illegal, they are very popular pets in India and they are quite easily available. And they can be found as pets in many people’s houses without facing any legal consequences.

If we can not keep the Indian Ring neck, can we keep its mutation?

Even though its mutation is illegal most people think it is legal to own a different colour mutation. However, it is not. When you go to breeders most of the breeders will tell you that it is illegal to buy a green Ringneck parrot but its mutation is legal to buy and that’s how most people fall for this scam and buy them. So, be aware and don’t fall for such traps.

Is there any legal way to make Ringneck parrots your pet?

Although there are two odd ways that might work-

  1. You can import native parrot breed to India from some other country but before importing it is important to take permission from your State’s chief wildlife warden, but there is extremely less chance that they will allow and give you  NOC(No Objection Certificate) from them for owning it as your pet. But you can give it a try. 
  2. If you are having your friend or relatives working in the forest department and if they have rescued this bird then you can ask them to allow you to keep it with you for the time until they get healthy and then you can submit it back to them. This is the only legal way to spend some time with this beautiful sweet bird.


1. How long does it take for a ringneck parrot to talk?

Indian Ring neck parrots generally start talking from the age of 6 months to 1 year. Although it is not 100% guaranteed. But, Most Indian Ringneck Parrot can talk.

2. How do you tame a wild ringneck parrot?

It is nearly impossible to tame a wild ringneck parrot as it would have separated from their parrot group hence they will always be aggressive and would not be able to adjust with you especially if they are not a baby parrot. If your wild ring neck parrot is a baby parrot then also there is little chance to get tamed. But it’s better to purchase a humanly grown parrot if you want to tame it.

3. What size nest box suits Indian ringneck parakeets?

The nest box of size 22.5cm x 22.5cm x 45cm suits best for Indian ringneck parrot or parakeet.

4. How many words can a ringneck parrot learn?

It can learn up to 250-300 words. But it is not guaranteed that all the ringneck parrots will be talkative. If you want a parrot that is talkative and can speak various words and phrases you can go for an African grey parrot.

5. When do ringneck parrots get their ring?

Indian ringnecks gain their rings as they age. So as they get a little bit older, they’re going to grab, they’re going to get their ring. So I think it’s about a year when they start getting their ring. It’s going to be a nice black, a very nice contrast, especially with the colour. And we’re going to get into a ring that colours in a moment.

And then if they’re a female, they’re never going to get the ring.

6. How often should I feed my ringneck parrot?

You can feed them 2-3 times a day which is more than enough for them. Do not overfeed them and always provide access to a fresh bowl of water.

7. How many eggs does a ringneck parrot lay?

A female parrot can lay 3-6 eggs and the incubation period is generally up to  23 days before chicks come out and baby parrots are completely dependent on their parents for 2- 2.5 months.

Final Thoughts

It can be concluded that Ringnecks are not legal to own according to the wildlife act. but, some people have false information that various colour mutations like purple, yellow, etc are legal to own, but that are also not legal to own. There is much false information across the internet. 

But we are trying to give you 100% genuine and accurate information in our article. If you are already owning it as your pet for a very long time then it’s your choice to continue(at your own risk) or you can submit it to your forest department. 

Hope have cleared all your doubts, but if you still have any then feel free to comment it down.

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